Yiddisheh Mammah – by Shmully

Yiddisheh Mammah – by Shmully


At the urging of his fans, Cantor Shmully went back into the studio and recorded a 10 song album of Yiddish songs, featuring “Yiddisheh Mommah.”

The album contains the following Yiddish all-time favorite songs:

  1. Tum Balalaika
  2. Open Pripitchick
  3. Sheyn Vidi Lvone
  4. Belz
  5. Rebbe Elimelech
  6. Chazzadul
  7. Bah Mir Bistu Sheyn
  8. Yiddisheh Mammah
  9. Rumania
  10. Der Steibl

This is another CD created by my very dear friend, Cantor Shmully Blesofsky, from the famous cantorial Blesofsky family in Crown Heights. Shmully is gifted with a rare and beautiful voice, and  he went back into the Professional Music Studio in Crown Heights of Ben Shimon and recorded this beautiful CD.

You can listen to a sample of Shmully singing the first track on the album, Tum Balaika  by clicking here. (It will take a few seconds to download)

You can listen to a sample of Shmully singing the 4th track on the album, Belz,  by clicking here. (It will take a few seconds to download also)

+ $4.95 for shipping and handling.

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