Davening Friday Night with an Angel

Davening Friday Night with an Angel


This CD was created by a very dear friend, Cantor Shmully Blesofsky, from the famous cantorial Blesofsky family in Crown Heights. Shmully is gifted with a rare and beautiful voice, and at my urging, he went into a Professional Music Studio in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and made a CD of him singing the Friday Night Kabbalat service. I asked him to do this, as a special favor, for the times when I can not get to Synagogue on Shabbos, but I still want want to pray and get a strong spiritual connection before sundown.

About a half hour before candle lighting, I put on his CD, and daven along with him. There are 17 tracks on the CD, from different parts of the service.

I have prayed all over the world, with many special people with strong Kavanah, but I don’t get the spiritual connection I get when I Daven with Shmully.

You can listen to a sample of Shmully singing the first track on the album  by clicking here.

You can listen to a sample of Shmully singing the last track on the album  by clicking here.

You can listen to a sample of Shmully singing by clicking here and listen to him perform Kol Nidre.

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