Uncle Zally/ Zalman Velvel

We’re going to interrupt this series on Kabbalistic prayer due to Passover.
For more than half a century, I cringed at the thought of the Passover seder. It was a chore. So B-O-R-I-N-G ! I sat down for it because my father threatened me with starvation if I didn’t.

So I wrote our own Haggadah.
I felt sacrilegious. I imagined Rabbi Itchy rolling his brown Hasidic eyes, poking fun at my chutzpah when he found out. When I got up the courage to tell him, he surprised me … by showing little surprise.
“Welcome to the club,” he said. “There are hundreds of haggadahs written by other Jews.”
I felt further encouragement when a friend of the family showed us the unique haggadah written by Kibbutz Sasa in 1949, and this kibbutz was very secular.
I began by taking the existing haggadah, one page at a time, and outlining the ideas and the actions. While I wrote, I had one eye on the computer keyboard, and one eye looking up, waiting for His objection. To my great relief, I finished the outline without lightning parting my hair.
The outline showed a methodology and a powerful symbolism, but from the standpoint of telling a story out loud, it needed a greater understanding of the pressure that flat chairs can exert upon modern young tuchuses. Children nowadays have difficulty maintaining interest for two hours or more simply listening to words being read out loud, when tv, movies, video games, and the Internet added exciting visual stimulation.

Much credit is given to my wife, who during our last “traditional” seder surprised us all by having the grandchildren rain down little rubber frogs and locusts, and put on masks of animals, to animate the plagues. While she did this, the interest of everyone at the seder, both children and adults alike, perked up considerably.

Can you believe I am going to quote Gil Locks again? When asked by a Rav what the most important thing to watch out for at a seder, he said:
“Make sure the children have a good time.”
He further explained, “There is only one reason we have the Seder at all: to remember the Exodus from Egypt. And there is only one reason why we must remember the Exodus from Egypt: so we will remain Jews. If we forget our past, there will be no reason to go on as a people. There is only one way for us to remain Jews, and that is to raise Jewish families. Without the children coming back next year, there won’t be any Jewish families. It’s for the kids’ sake that we go through all this each year and, God willing, we will get to do it for them again next year, too. And if they have a good enough time, then surely someday we will even get to do it for their kids.”

This year, our grandchildren read so well, they wanted to act out the whole haggadah, and not share with the adults. When the adults started crying, I was forced to let them participate once again. 

I sent a copy of this Haggadah to my publisher, and friend, Rudy. He was interested in publishing it, provided I made two changes. The first was to make our haggadah even shorter, cut down from 30 minutes to about 20. He wanted to include an even shorter version that lasted only 10 minutes.
As much as I love and respect Rudy, I couldn’t do it.
Instead, I decided to Pass It On for free. Just about every hotel and motel room in this country has a free bible, so I’m following a pretty good tradition. If you send me an email requesting it, I will forward you a PDF of “The Family Haggadah.” Go to

Now, next week, after being dehydrated from eating twenty pounds of matzoh, you should all be ready for another juicy article about Kabbalistic prayer and Mysticism.