Kabbalah Kronicles 23 – Welcome Newby’s
Uncle Zally / Zalman Velvel

Because lately I have been studying Social Media, trying to figure out what the heck it is. I’m learning how to best use the Internet, and what this incredible new form of communication is. One thing is certain: it is changing the way we live at a breathtaking pace, so fast we’re not even aware of it anymore.
Well, the Social Media experts say I should take my all contacts and send them my blogs. You just never know who is interested in what. That’s why you Newby’s received it.
Okay, so if you are a Newby to this blog, let me tell you what it is, and what it isn’t. What it is – Uncle Zally writing about spiritual principles that are thousands of years old, yet have been hidden from most of us. When Madonna discovered Kabbalah, Kabbalah became “hip.” The “Material Girl” morphed into the “Spiritual Girl,” or what I call, the “Kabbalah Kutie.”
Oh yeah … and sometimes I try to be funny.

Oh, and while I’m trying to be funny … I also like to place some meaningful, or funny, pictures in my blog, for eye candy.
So test drive this blog for a while, try reading some of the previous ones – there are 22. You get to them by going to my website and clicking on the tab “blog” in the header, or clicking here www.ZalmanVelvel.com/blog
And look, if you do not believe this blog adds any additional value to your life, then opt out, and I will accept your rejection.
That being said, let’s talk about just a few general principles of Kabbalah, to see if they have any value to you:
1- Spirituality can make you happy
2- There is a war going on inside you while you are trying to be happy
3- Life comes with a book of instructions from the manufacturer
How can spirituality make you happier?
First, by accepting that God (or whomever you call your Higher Power) is good. After that, you agree that God made everything (out of love) and is constantly involved in everything that happens. Then, it follows like night follows day, that everything that happens is good.

Can’t prove it’s true, can’t prove it isn’t. But which way of believing makes your life feel more worthwhile?
The war going on inside you
Kabbalah states you have two souls, and there is a constant battle going on between them. There is your animal soul, which energizes your body and directs you to think only of yourself and your survival. There is also your Godly Soul, which directs you to think about God, love, and doing good for others. A good life is the process of letting your Godly soul direct your animal soul, and not the reverse.
That process is one of the primary concerns of Kabbalah.
Life comes with a book of instructions from the Manufacturer
I will not go into that in this blog.

Yes, that doesn’t make any sense … which is why I won’t go into it.
And yes I know how to spell Kronicles, but “K” works are known to be funnier. Ask any comedian.
Look for more mystical secrets in future episodes of “How The Kabbalah Kookie Krumbles.”